Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ghostwriting: You Get What You Pay For

Lately, many people who contact me are requesting that I write their books for $4,000 or less, this being the price quoted by many competitors.  More on the competition's fees in the next post.  But for now, let me say that this is a ridiculous price.  I suppose there may be someone very competent out there who wants to write as a hobby and pick up mad money to play the slots.  Who knows?  Most individuals who write books for such a low price are inexperienced writers who know nothing about publishing, editing, or writing.  They want some pocket change if the spouse is off earning the big bucks to buy the daily bread.

Would you pay a doctor $50 to take out your appendix?  Would you pay a lawyer $25 to handle your case?  If you want a seasoned professional to write your book, one that is written correctly and with style, you need to pay a professional price.  Someone in the publishing industry who helps you get into print is worth a lot more than $4,000.  Besides, it takes months to write a book, and I don't know of anyone who is a professional writer who can stretch $4,000 over a six-month period.

Most books by ghostwriters don't get published and most are poorly written.  People are largely ignorant of the publishing industry and they go online when they decide to get their story into print.  They then become part of the food chain for predators who will capitalize on people's ignorance of the literary marketplace.  Let the buyer beware.  You get what you pay for.  $4,000 to write a book?  I don't think so.

~William Hammett



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William Hammett

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