Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Google the Ghostwriting Companies and Learn!

Continuing the discussion of whether there is satisfaction with the large ghostwriting firms (that are really print-on-demand-companies, with a few exceptions), there is an easy way to see if people are happy with the writing they get--or the books that are printed, for that matter.

Simply Google the name of a company, followed by the word "complaints" in the search box.  Your eyes will be opened.  Below are the most common complaints against these companies--and isn't it strange that most of the complaints are the same in nature from one company to another.

1) The work was poorly written, filled with basic errors and little style.

2) The editing and proofreading that was promised was never delivered.

3) Deadlines were not met and clients had to wait for up to eight months to get a response on the status of their projects.

4) The books were poorly printed, with bad or inappropriate covers used.

5) Clients are only allowed to speak to writers or editors for ten hours, no longer.  The rate per hour ranges from $110 to $150.

6) There is little access to company personnel after the contract is signed.

7) The marketing strategies promised were ineffective and did not yield any sales.

It's on the web if you take time and do your homework.  People are losing thousands of dollars to these companies because they don't understand publishing.

~William Hammett

Contact wmhammett@aol.com


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William Hammett

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