Monday, December 30, 2013

Ghostwriting Companies: Who Are Their Writers?

Isn't it strange that almost all ghostwriting companies won't tell you on their web sites who their writers are?  There's a reason.  The work is usually subcontracted out to freelancers across the country, many of whom have little or no experience.  Do you want a moonlighter to pen your book, perhaps a housewife who "did good in English" and is looking to make a little extra money?

If the ghostwriters who work for these companies are such pros--and if they are company employees--why can't we know their names?  I am a ghostwriter, and I openly list my name and credits on my web site.  There's no secrecy.  We don't know the names of people working for ghostwriting companies because the companies subcontract work out to whomever is available, with some exceptions.

So here's the scenario: you want a book written and think that the word "company" holds some special legitimacy.  You are therefore willing to listen to a sales pitch and speak with a salesman who, in turn, puts you in touch with writers that neither you nor anyone else has heard of.  Is this how you want to spend thousands of dollars?

If you want a book written, contact someone who is not afraid to put his name on a web site, someone who openly gives you a resume, complete with education, writing background, and writing credits.

~ William Hammett



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William Hammett

Ghostwriting Companies: The Hype Continues

Some ghostwriting companies, still making money by promising bestselling books when they actually produce poorly-crafted manuscripts, continue to use advertising that makes it seem as if they are powerhouses in the publishing industry.  Most of these companies are surely not.  Agents and legitimate mainstream publishing houses have never heard of them.

These companies talk about their phenomenal success stories, although the names of their authors and books are never disclosed.  They talk of the veritable army of new ghostwriters being added to handle the great demand for ghostwritten genre fiction.  I'll let you in on a little secret: there are many people who claim to be ghostwriters, but there are not hundreds of people waiting for assignments to write the next bestselling breakout fiction title.  The work is almost always subcontracted out to freelancers and moonlighters across the country.  Some are just breaking in and have little or no experience.

Writing any book, let alone a bestselling  novel, is a difficult, labor-intensive enterprise.  There is no pool of ghostwriters waiting around to write blockbusters for almost no money for companies who contact them when they get a few extra customers.  The books produced by a majority of ghostwriting companies are print-on-demand titles that sell very few copies--usually to friends and family members.

If you want to have a book written, my ongoing advice is to contact an independent ghostwriter with experience, not a company or a moonlighter.

~ William Hammett



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William Hammett