I find it nothing less than astounding (and more than a bit troubling) that the A-list literary agents and mainstream publishing houses in New York City have never heard of ghostwriting companies claiming to have produced bestsellers for their clients. This is not to say that no agent has ever represented one of their books or that one of their clients has never received a contract from a publisher. But if one researches the publishing industry and asks top agents, acquiring editors, and publishers about these companies, you will most likely not come across very many people who have ever heard of them.
Well, is it possible that the agents and publishers don't know if a manuscript has been ghostwritten once it has been submitted? Sure. But agents and publishers use ghostwriters all the time. Shouldn't a substantial number of these industry pros know of these allegedly successful companies?
What you don't know can most definitely hurt you. If you don't know much about the publishing industry, you will likely get burned in trying to get a marketable manuscript written. Anyone can put up a slick web site. It's quite another matter to write a great book.
Ghostwriting companies deal in volume. I have yet to hear of a great book coming off an assembly line.
~William Hammett
Contact wmhammett@aol.com
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William Hammett