Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ghostwriting Companies: The Truth Behind the Websites

I must admit that I've seen a couple of legitimate ghostwriting and editing companies, companies that can openly and legitimately advertise who is on their staff and who they have worked with in the past, their clients usually being high-profile business personnel, politicians, and celebrities--the movers and the shakers.  The rest?  I wouldn't pay a nickel for the services of these predatory companies.

Notice that a majority of the online ghostwriting companies do not give a single name of anyone they've worked for.  (As a ghostwriter myself, I understand the need for confidentiality, but I always have clients--ghostwriting or editing--to use as references and whose published books I am able to put on my website.)

When you click on these websites, you read astounding claims about bestselling authors and books, fantastic publishing and marketing packages, and the names of major New York publishing houses.  The ghostwriting companies never provide a single name or title, however, and all major publishing houses that I know of have never heard of these companies.

I have also talked with writers who have been hired to write books for the clients of these companies--they live around the country, not in New York or the city where the company is allegedly based--and the few reputable writers who got sucked into doing a project for one of these outfits said they were sued when they declined further jobs since the company was obviously a sham.

Unfortunately, people believe false claims and slick advertising.  People call these companies, talk to representatives, and sign contracts, never having seen one validation of the original claims on the website.

What a waste of money.


Articles on this Website
William Hammett

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